Vision of the metaverse from voices at the forefront
Author - Within International

We had the pleasure to welcome Bill Deckelman, Executive Vice President, General Counsel of leading IT firm DXC Technology Company and Mark Cohen, CEO & Founder of Legal Mosaic and Within International advisory board member to sit down with Ruxandra Radulescu, our Chief Executive Officer and Enter Agora board member to discuss how pioneers are integrating web3 technologies in the legal sector with a focus on metaverse use cases.

The metaverse is the idea that we spend more and more of our time in a digital world instead of one made of atoms.


Erik Brynjolfsson

It’s no secret that in today’s digitally dominant world, more and more of our lives already exist online. The average global internet user now spends 6 hours and 40 minutes online each day (DataPortal) and by age 11-12, children already clock in an average screen time of 4 hours per day (Ofcom).

While the full impact on our world and ways of working is still unfolding, one thing is certain – technological progression moves at an unrelenting pace. It drastically reshapes our realities and industries.

At Within International, we are known for weaving new technology into our operations and output, cultivating new frontiers of growth that benefit our clients. By inviting forward-thinking leaders into our discussions, we hope to help more organisations understand both the possibilities and challenges that emerge as our digital and real lives increasingly converge.

One of the biggest catalysts for the move towards a digital workplace has been the pandemic. I think we compressed about 20 years’ worth of digital transformation, and I don’t think we’ll go all the way back. The companies that are most successful over the next five years are going to be the ones that understand how to harness the benefits of this increasingly digital world while overcoming some of the drawbacks.


Erik Brynjolfsson

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