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Digital Legal Exchange

Digital Legal Exchange

What a fabulous project this was, in no small part because of the intellect and passion shown by our lead clients, Isabel Parker and Mark Cohen Digital Legal Exchange have plans, big plans, and we were immediately enthused by how articulate they both were about the...
Peters & Peters

Peters & Peters

Within International has always been about brands. Creating brands is capturing the essence of a firm. It is about understanding the people in their individuality and as a whole. It is about understanding how to combine the human and the professional elements so that...


Global law firm and member of the “Magic Circle” elite, Linklaters LLP approached us at the earliest phase of developing their flexible resourcing programme. Offering Linklaters’ clients flexible, efficient and cost-effective legal services from...


As one of Australia’s largest global insurers, with over 12,000 employees in 31 countries, it’s safe to say QBE Insurance Group Limited’s footprint is significant. And as with most global business, this makes maintaining a consistent voice across...

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