The Dahlia Project aims to end female genital mutilation (FGM) by creating safe spaces to support individuals and societies affected by FGM, protect children from haram and empower communities to lead change.
This film was created with the sole purpose of removing the 1985 FGM Act. Dr Leyla Hussein OBE is the founder of The Dahlia Project and is campaigning for FGM to be tried as an act of child abuse under English Law which secures many convictions. At the time of the films creation, the FGM Act had secured no convictions in 30 years of it’s existence. Today, it has secured only one. The film is purposefully visceral, educating the viewer on what FGM is and does to a survivor. The film resulted in Dr. Leyla Hussein OBE being called to Whitehall over the message and intention behind the campaign. Needless to say, it had the imapct we were aiming for.