Art of the state

Art of the state

Art of the state ART OF THE STATE Art Start is a charity that uses the creative process to nurture the voices, hearts, and minds of youth from communities that have been historically marginalized. Our film hears the stories of two young women who run and take part in...
Graham Layton Trust

Graham Layton Trust

GRAHAM LAYTON TRUST Graham Layton Trust The Graham Layton Trust’s mission is to treat curable blindness and visual impairment by high quality free eye surgery and ophthalmic care for the poor and underprivileged of Pakistan. Our team filmed in some of the poorest...
The Dahlia project

The Dahlia project

THE DAHLIA PROJECT THE DAHLIA PROJECT The Dahlia Project aims to end female genital mutilation (FGM) by creating safe spaces to support individuals and societies affected by FGM, protect children from haram and empower communities to lead change. This film was created...
The Josh Carrick foundation

The Josh Carrick foundation

THE JOSH CARRICK FOUNDATION THE JOSH CARRICK FOUNDATION Josh Carrick died of testicular cancer in 2011 aged 23. His father, Steve Carrick founded the Josh Carrick Foundation. He started the charity to raise awareness and help fund further technological research into...
Alzheimer’s society

Alzheimer’s society

ALZHEIMER’S SOCIETY ALZHEIMER’S SOCIETY Following the lives of Derek, a man with dementia, and his wife, Yvonne, who has survived cancer, A cure for Derek? highlights the lack of advances in dementia research compared to cancer research. The message of the film...


Soccer Aid for Unicef, the world’s biggest celebrity football match, was established with one core goal: to raise money for vulnerable children around the world. In 2019, Soccer Aid for Unicef launched their first ever gala event for existing and potential donors with...

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